Wednesday, 19 October 2016

香港難有李光耀 / Hong Kong Can Hardly Produce a Lee Kuan Yew



Hong Kong Can Hardly Produce a Lee Kuan Yew

By Wong Man Fong


THE RECENT speech by Mr Lee Kuan Yew at Hong Kong Policy Research Institute grabbed the attention of the local mass media and political circles, as the speaker did present some enlightening views on issues that will affect the present and future of Hong Kong.


Mr Lee is not very popular with Hong Kong people. His conservative views have been more rejected than accepted by the political circles here, particularly the Democrats. Yet, accepting him or not, most people admit that Mr Lee is a statesman of international stature.


His political thinking is characterised with a strategic vision that enables him to grasp issues from an overall perspective. He can pinpoint the very essence of a situation which is hidden deep but has far-reaching consequences.

By contrast, politicians of Hong Kong are so much embroiled in trivialities that they often fail to see the wood for the trees.


The occurrence of Mr Lee Kuan Yew is something of an oddity. Normally, statesmen with a strategic vision are the product of large countries. Small countries, restricted by their geography, have little need for global strategies, and therefore can hardly produce statesmen of international stature.


Beijing appreciates Mr Lee considerably. In early 1980s, while China was drafting its policy on taking Hong Kong back, Mr Deng Xiaoping earnestly hoped that a Lee Kuan Yew-like leader would emerge in the territory.

He believed that, for Hong Kong to complete its historic return to Chinese sovereignty and carry out the policy of “Hong Kong people running Hong Kong*”, one or more statesmen with high political wisdom would be indispensable.


Yet it takes the tempering in fierce political strife to bring about political wisdom. While the negotiations over Hong Kong’s return were monopolised by Beijing and London, with all Hongkongers made to stay marginalised, how could the territory expect to produce a Lee Kuan Yew of its own?

(Tr. Allen Zhuang)

*注:「港人治港」一語,香港官方曾有多種英文對譯:“Hong Kong people running or ruling, or governing Hong Kong”201412月起,改為 “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong.”

黃文放是香港政論作家;李光耀19991025日在香港演講,黃文放隨即在當地《明報》發表上文。新加坡《聯合早報》19991123日轉載黃文並加英譯,刊於該報的「社論/言論/天下事」版。2008130日,英譯者將華英對照文本貼於原先的 坡港英華/ SingaKong Chinese & English 網頁;今重貼於此(有修訂)。


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