Saturday 7 January 2023

五柳先生傳 / The Life of Mr Five Willows




The Life of Mr Five Willows

By T’ao Ch’ien





It is not known where the Mister was a native, nor is his name available in detail. Beside his abode were five willows, so he adopted an alias after them.

He was a quiet person of few words, desiring neither glory nor gain. He loved reading, but sought no thorough grasp of things read. Yet whenever he took a point therein, he joyfully forgot about his meals.

He was fond of wine but, in a poor family, could not have it often. His relatives and old friends, knowing about that, would at times have wine prepared and invite him. Then he would come and always drink to the full, sure of getting drunk. Once drunk, he retired, never hesitating about leaving or not.

… [ Omitted below ]

Tr. Allen Zhuang
