Thursday, 20 October 2016

佳節善翁 / Charity on Festivals



Charity on Festivals

By Jin Yu Tian


PEOPLE are more likely to practise charity in festive seasons, but a coffee-buddy of mine doesn’t like that way.  “Good deeds don’t have to wait till Sunday,” he would say.


Certainly he has a point:  “A good deed a day” has become a popular motto.  Yet, nice as it sounds, I find that exhortation more suitable for one’s own moral perfection than for everybody’s practice.  How many among the broad masses can afford the leisure of reflecting upon themselves after a dizzy-busy day’s struggle for livelihood?


Festivals are created by mankind.  Human beings naturally care for their families and relatives and then, by extension, their neighbours and others around; hence compassion and charity.  Festivals are created to grant people a breathing spell, during which they can share if they fare well enough.


Some share on a grand scale, calling for donations from the public or handing out money in red packets to the needy.  Others prefer to do it quietly, slipping a wrapped gift into the collection box or mailing out a token of their kindness with a small stamp on it.


The world’s earliest Christmas card, designed by English artist J. C. Horsley, depicts a family dinner party with people toasting one another, flanked by pictures of the poor and the ill being helped.  The message couldn’t be clearer.


Among my friends are those who practise charity on festivals.  Amid the celebrations, they would find a quiet moment to sign some cheques or post out some mail, without fuss or fanfare.  When the sun rises the next morning, they would plunge back into the hustle and bustle of their worldly pursuits –– until the festival returns.
(Tr. by Allen Zhuang)

原載新加坡《聯合早報》(2000);收入《不著地族/A Lift-Off People潘正鐳著Allen Zhuang 英譯;Singapore: All Publishing House, 2002);200811日譯者初貼於原先的 坡港英華/SingaKong Chinese & English 網頁,今重貼於此。

Look here: The world's first Christmas card, designed by John Callcott Horsley in 1843


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