Sunday, 23 October 2016

Congregation Address at CCCU in 2015 / 城大專上學院2015年畢業典禮致詞

Congregation Address at CCCU in 2015
by Ms Jennifer Ng, Principal


Occasions like these are ones that make us happy, feel good, and lead us to think about the future.  They make us happy because we see you and your families in jovial spirits.  They make us feel good because we can sense that we have done something right.  And they lead us to think about the future because our graduates will face uncertain paths ahead.


Just look at 2015.  Of course humanity has made progress on many fronts.  We found liquid water on Mars.  But the ongoing human tragedy that manifests itself in the form of the refugee crisis in Europe informs us that more must be done to make this a better world.  Although we are very fortunate to live in this part of the world, we continue to see the sabre-rattling tension on the Korean peninsula, and old rivalries brewing in the South China Sea70 years after the end of World War II. 
At home in Hong Kong, we saw a society torn apart by politics, as our yearning for greater democracy was left rudderless in the wake of the stalemate over political reforms.  We seem to be at a crossroads, while the Government tries to fathom the cause of this impasse and searches for a way forward. 
For you to graduate in this year, it may be an omen: You must find your own way out.  Your attitude to life will determine your fortunes ahead.


As you leave our College, I suggest you tread “the middle way”, or, as sometimes we call it, living life without wanting too much.  Both Confucianism and Buddhist scriptures exhort us to find the “middle way” in life without indulging in our senses or going to extremes.  In their different ways, they tell us that holding on to our desires will lead to problems.  Modesty in life is such a universal value, similarly extolled as a virtue in other faiths such as Islam and Christianity, in the Quran and the Holy Bible
Treading the middle way also applies to the phenomenon of wastage that we witness nowadays.  The consumption, or over-consumption, that we witness in today’s world results in gigantic depletion of our resources with scant regard for our environment.   We may not need to live like St Francis of Assisi or Shakyamuni, but our conspicuous consumption in Hong Kong only contributes more to the waste.  We must balance our materialism with compassion and intellectual development


Another important factor for success is that you must be versatile, open-minded and adaptable.  As you leave us to forge your futures, you will undoubtedly face challenges.  The world that you will be entering will be different from the one known to your parents or mine, where job titles may sound odd, and the skills that you need to function or survive are much more dynamic.  In our old Hong Kong, we came through because we changed the way we behaved and made quick adaptations to new circumstances.  In the ancient book Yijing, or the Book of Changes, from more than 3,000 years ago, it was already pointed out to us that when matters come to a dead end, we will need to change, and upon that change, we will sustain ourselves.  This readiness to accept and embrace change has transformed Hong Kong from a fishing village to a modern metropolis, and will continue to fuel our success.


To help you become more versatile, open-minded and adaptable, we have shaped our curriculum to ensure you have the requisite generic skills including language, IT, numeracy, as well as a core understanding of your chosen discipline.  The skills we have imparted give you a start, but we believe that if you started your intellectual growth in our garden of learning, your education here will help you blossom and adopt the open-mindedness that you will need to survive. 
To prepare you for entry into a world of unpredictability and opportunities, we give you General Education courses to broaden your minds.  We work in partnership with the community to make sure that the education we provide prepares you for the challenges you might face in the real world.  Exposure and training through various schemes aimed at imbuing you with the ability to handle stress and pressure and an open mind that can view matters from different angles.  In the past academic year, nearly 2,500 students from our College, many of whom are here, have benefitted from the support of about 120 companies and organisations in placements, internships, or projects and visits.


One last piece of advice:  I don’t think you can ever be very successful if you leave out hard work and striving for excellence.  Many of our graduates here have indeed worked hard.  Last year alone our students won 550 scholarships totalling $8.4 million.  Many have been able to win scholarships and awards from the Government and other external organisations on their own merits in open competition. 
Apart from the Government and other donor organisations, CCCU itself has made available numerous awards and scholarships to reward students who have excelled in academic and non-academic areas.  I know that many of our scholarship winners are here today, and we hope that the encouragement we gave will spur you on to greater things, and will fuel your desire for knowledge and self-improvement.  We know that unleashing your inner treasures is one of our best bets for the future.


Of the three things I talked about: treading the middle way, rolling with the changes, and hard work, you must find your own formula to balance them.  You must tread the path yourselves, and find your own mix of the right key ingredients.


Dear graduates, we celebrate your achievements today, but your families and loved ones have supported you in different ways, some financially, while others by keeping the house quiet for your studies, cooking you a meal so you can keep going, or not nagging to the extent that you lose your interest in learning.  You will certainly thank them in your own way. 
In a different way, your success today is also due in no small part to the dedicated teachers and other staff at the College who stayed focused on their jobs to give you the best education we can deliver.  To them, both you and I should record a vote of thanks.


As you graduate, I hope you will strive for success like our pioneers in Hong Kong, and keep our community a vibrant, thriving one.  My sincere congratulations on your graduation.  As you start your life journeys, make your own maps for the uncharted waters ahead, navigate them well and, through your own enlightenment find your own formula for success.  I wish you joy, strength and energy, and a lifetime of fulfilment. 
Thank you very much.


(Tr. by Allen Zhuang)

Thursday, 20 October 2016

佳節善翁 / Charity on Festivals



Charity on Festivals

By Jin Yu Tian


PEOPLE are more likely to practise charity in festive seasons, but a coffee-buddy of mine doesn’t like that way.  “Good deeds don’t have to wait till Sunday,” he would say.


Certainly he has a point:  “A good deed a day” has become a popular motto.  Yet, nice as it sounds, I find that exhortation more suitable for one’s own moral perfection than for everybody’s practice.  How many among the broad masses can afford the leisure of reflecting upon themselves after a dizzy-busy day’s struggle for livelihood?


Festivals are created by mankind.  Human beings naturally care for their families and relatives and then, by extension, their neighbours and others around; hence compassion and charity.  Festivals are created to grant people a breathing spell, during which they can share if they fare well enough.


Some share on a grand scale, calling for donations from the public or handing out money in red packets to the needy.  Others prefer to do it quietly, slipping a wrapped gift into the collection box or mailing out a token of their kindness with a small stamp on it.


The world’s earliest Christmas card, designed by English artist J. C. Horsley, depicts a family dinner party with people toasting one another, flanked by pictures of the poor and the ill being helped.  The message couldn’t be clearer.


Among my friends are those who practise charity on festivals.  Amid the celebrations, they would find a quiet moment to sign some cheques or post out some mail, without fuss or fanfare.  When the sun rises the next morning, they would plunge back into the hustle and bustle of their worldly pursuits –– until the festival returns.
(Tr. by Allen Zhuang)

原載新加坡《聯合早報》(2000);收入《不著地族/A Lift-Off People潘正鐳著Allen Zhuang 英譯;Singapore: All Publishing House, 2002);200811日譯者初貼於原先的 坡港英華/SingaKong Chinese & English 網頁,今重貼於此。

Look here: The world's first Christmas card, designed by John Callcott Horsley in 1843


Wednesday, 19 October 2016

香港難有李光耀 / Hong Kong Can Hardly Produce a Lee Kuan Yew



Hong Kong Can Hardly Produce a Lee Kuan Yew

By Wong Man Fong


THE RECENT speech by Mr Lee Kuan Yew at Hong Kong Policy Research Institute grabbed the attention of the local mass media and political circles, as the speaker did present some enlightening views on issues that will affect the present and future of Hong Kong.


Mr Lee is not very popular with Hong Kong people. His conservative views have been more rejected than accepted by the political circles here, particularly the Democrats. Yet, accepting him or not, most people admit that Mr Lee is a statesman of international stature.


His political thinking is characterised with a strategic vision that enables him to grasp issues from an overall perspective. He can pinpoint the very essence of a situation which is hidden deep but has far-reaching consequences.

By contrast, politicians of Hong Kong are so much embroiled in trivialities that they often fail to see the wood for the trees.


The occurrence of Mr Lee Kuan Yew is something of an oddity. Normally, statesmen with a strategic vision are the product of large countries. Small countries, restricted by their geography, have little need for global strategies, and therefore can hardly produce statesmen of international stature.


Beijing appreciates Mr Lee considerably. In early 1980s, while China was drafting its policy on taking Hong Kong back, Mr Deng Xiaoping earnestly hoped that a Lee Kuan Yew-like leader would emerge in the territory.

He believed that, for Hong Kong to complete its historic return to Chinese sovereignty and carry out the policy of “Hong Kong people running Hong Kong*”, one or more statesmen with high political wisdom would be indispensable.


Yet it takes the tempering in fierce political strife to bring about political wisdom. While the negotiations over Hong Kong’s return were monopolised by Beijing and London, with all Hongkongers made to stay marginalised, how could the territory expect to produce a Lee Kuan Yew of its own?

(Tr. Allen Zhuang)

*注:「港人治港」一語,香港官方曾有多種英文對譯:“Hong Kong people running or ruling, or governing Hong Kong”201412月起,改為 “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong.”

黃文放是香港政論作家;李光耀19991025日在香港演講,黃文放隨即在當地《明報》發表上文。新加坡《聯合早報》19991123日轉載黃文並加英譯,刊於該報的「社論/言論/天下事」版。2008130日,英譯者將華英對照文本貼於原先的 坡港英華/ SingaKong Chinese & English 網頁;今重貼於此(有修訂)。


Sunday, 16 October 2016

傳媒業不僅是一盤生意 / Media Sector Not Mere Business

Media Sector Not Mere Business
By Lee Eng Lock


MORE is to come for Singaporeans to feast their eyes and ears on. The newspaper conglomerate will be running a radio and a TV station, whereas the TV operator will be publishing a newspaper. The future holds an even greater selection of information for our people.


The sky defies control, and information knows no bounds. In this era of Internet, national borders or checkpoints can do nothing to stop the flow of information, though they can bar the entry or exit of humans. But where dams and dykes fail to curb the floods, canals and channels can work well to turn harm to good. More or less in this sense, Singapore's media sector is being opened up.


Yet opening-up is sure to bring in keener competition and therefore richer options to satisfy the audience's appetite. It will be a tough challenge for the media operators to secure their market shares by providing quality products while staying in the black, namely to remain "both popular and profitable", as they say.


Outsiders would find it hard to understand the difficulty involved. Business is business, they argue, and profit is the first and foremost concern. Why should the media industry try to be "popular", they wonder, since it is not charity?
Just look at their counterparts in other countries, they would say. For survival and success, the media out there would balk at nothing and resort to everything, with products representing a wide spectrum of contents and styles, ranging from the radical red through the sensational yellow and indefinable grey down to the dubious black. Our domestic media, they lament, just pale by comparison.


But the point is that, in Singapore, the media sector is not a mere business. It undertakes a mission for the good of society. The step-by-step opening-up of the field is not meant to introduce chaotic contest among the operators. Instead, with guidance and regulations, it aims to keep Singapore ever-adjusted to global information tides and well-poised for further advances.


One need not infer that, to carry out their mission, the media must speak for the government or the ruling party, but we do need a "Singapore perspective". Otherwise, our voice can hardly reach the international community, nor can there be effective communication within our people amid the jarring noise from without.


The island-states unalterable fragility is beyond dispute. When a recent earthquake hit our neighbour, we felt the shock of tremors and looked to our government for assurance that things were OK. A few days of hazy skies darkened by forest fires beyond the borders would keep us practically home-confined, ever-attentive to radio or TV announcements about the air pollution situation. And the mere sign of troubles across the sea would put our Coastal Guard on full alert. Understandably, Singapore is sensitive because it is vulnerable.


Should information from outside sources be allowed to pour in unchecked, some people are sure to lose their bearings on the sea of news and data.  Thus a Singapore perspective is needed to provide a firm anchorage for our people. Herein lies the role of our indigenous media.


The influx of information, though unstoppable, should not render us utterly helpless or defenceless.
Yet unfortunately, whenever something big happens in the outside world, people would tune in to CNN, swallowing its news and views without thinking much about it, and taking them for the genuine "criterion" just because of the high sound volume. Meanwhile, voices and feelings of us Asians are neglected.


Admittedly, Singapore's voice on international issues may be less heard because of our small territory and population. Yet it would be a "family disgrace" indeed if we had to be answerable to foreigners in all our domestic affairs. To establish our indigenous voice and views is to make Singapore duly heeded and regarded.


Of course, tolerance of different ideas is gaining ground, and we cannot shut our eyes to that irresistible trend. Instead, we must look up and face the reality of the new era. The media sector today has left the old one-way street into a modern interactive playground.
In reality, nothing can block the waves and tides of information, and that's why guidance and regulations are of crucial importance. Otherwise, we could only sit and watch inundation ensue to our dismay.


Let me repeat this: The media sector is definitely not a mere business. Not in Singapore, and not for now –– at least.

(Tr. by Allen Zhuang)

(本文華英對照,原載2000/06/26新加坡《聯合早報》社論/言論/天下事版;20071231日譯者貼於原先的網誌 坡港英華 / SingaKong Chinese & English,今重貼於此。)
