老同學 金雨田 |
Old Boys Jin Yu Tian |
多年來不見面的兩個中學同學無意間碰頭,話頭一起,竟互相羡慕起對方來。 |
TWO old boys of the same secondary school chanced upon each other after years of separation. They had a chat, and soon found themselves envying each other greatly. |
一個是商行高級人員,一個是小廠主,都是在生活線上努力掙來的。隔行如隔山,自己有欠缺之處,好象總能在他人身上尋得補償似的。別人的苦水,到底沾不上自己的唇。 |
One was a senior executive with a business firm, and the other owned a small factory, both having struggled their way through life to what they were. Coming from different trades, each felt the drawback of his own career and seemed to find the grass greener in the other’s field, but neither bothered to delve into the other’s problems. |
在商行裏幹的,大學生,安安穩穩,自嘲“爲他人做嫁衣裳”。小廠主則是中學畢業,憑一把勁,跌倒了又爬起來,開拓一片天空,爲幾乎每個星期都要反被來應徵工作者“面試”的角色轉移大發牢騷。 |
Despite a secure job resulting from his university degree, the senior executive likened himself to a seamstress toiling away at other girls’ bridal dresses. The factory-owner had only secondary education but, in an unyielding spirit, had overcome many a setback until prospering in his own business. Yet he lamented that, almost every week, he had to swallow the humiliation of being questioned like an interviewee by those coming for a job interview. |
你一杯我一杯,啤酒都喝了幾大瓶。他們起身去找另一位聽說搞的不錯,念書時常一起打籃球的朋友。在購物中心經營小食店,這位老同學滿得意說生意不錯,但一天得幹十六小時,“真羡慕你們”,他也這麽說。 |
They talked and talked, over mug after mug of beer until they had emptied several bottles. Then they got up and went to see another old boy, a basketball pal in the old days, but now manager of a thriving snack bar at a shopping centre. The restaurateur was well pleased with his business except that he had to work 16 hours a day. “How I envy you guys!” he sighed, too. |
三個人到酒廊喝酒,半醒半醉話當年說人生。“你看我好我看你好,哈哈哈”,他們踉踉蹌蹌的走出酒廊,在夜風裏抛下了人到中年的結語。 |
The three went over to a pub and had a hearty drink, chatting about life then and now, all half-intoxicated. “I envy you and you envy me, ha ha ha!” The conclusion about life in middle age wafted in the night air as the old boys staggered out of the pub. (Tr. by Allen Zhuang) |
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