跳Q 金雨田
Jumping the Queue Jin Yu Tian
AFTER publishing an essay about taking my daughter to see a dentist, I got responses from readers wondering how it was that I had always come across mean doctors. They don’t know that many practitioners nowadays are like those fruiterers who, complacent about their good business, just don’t care about losing a customer.
Late last year, when driving, I suddenly felt suffocated somewhere in the chest. This reminded me how I had neglected myself, ignorant even about the position of my heart, liver, or lungs. “Oh, verily, precious is life;” –– the oft-quoted line flashed across my mind, followed by my impromptu version –– “Nothing more precious can I find!” At once I stopped my car and dashed into the nearest clinic, only to be stopped by the receptionist. “No, no,” said the girl, telling me the doctor was just leaving for a house call. Well, I replied, I would just like the doctor to tell me where exactly my heart was –– in the left, right, or middle of the chest.
Two days later, a decayed tooth root came to torture me. Incidentally, it was the New Year’s Eve, so I hurried to the community dentist’s downstairs early in the morning. The receptionist turned me away because I had no appointment. “Oh, my young lady,” I pleaded, “but this is TOOTHACHE. Ouch! Ouch!” Yet the girl granted me no attention, despite my double exclamations of agony.
歲末得跟時間賽跑,只好急奔公司牙醫。嘩,少說也二十多人在輪候,都是友族病人;但沒幾個人,我便被傳召了。雖然麻醉藥還在擴散,醫生已把那“傢伙”幹掉了。“Happy New Year!”老醫生奧利佛說。
The year approaching its very end, I had to race against time. I rushed into my company’s dentist clinic and found –– oh no! –– at least 20 patients in the waiting queue, all of them Malays and Indians. But very soon I was attended to and, under anaesthesia, the troublemaker in my mouth was removed. “Happy New Year!” said Oliver, the old doctor.
一面捧著腫脹的面頰一面感覺“如沐春風”,尤其對著候診室裏讓我跳Q的友族同胞 —— 新年快樂!好兆頭!
Even with my cheeks still swollen, I felt a soothing breeze caressing me. “Happy New Year to you, too!” I replied, particularly to all my Malay and Indian colleagues in the waiting room, who had kindly allowed me to jump the queue. What a good omen for the New Year! (Tr. by Allen Zhuang)
原載新加坡《聯合早報》(2000);收入《不著地族/A Lift-Off People》(潘正鐳著,Allen Zhuang 英譯;Singapore: All Publishing House, 2002);2009年1月31日譯者貼於博客網頁坡港英華/SingaKong Chinese & English,今重貼於此。
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