A Lift-Off People
Jin Yu Tian
GOING to work couldn’t be more convenient
for an office worker like my friend.
Leaving his flat in a block next to Braddell MRT station, he goes
downstairs, walks through a roofed passage, and is right underground for the
train; then he gets off at another station, takes a lift up the OUB Centre
close by, and arrives in his office.
fact, there are many others like him, who live in a high-rise building, drive
to work, take a lift to get to the office, and then go home by reversing the
route, without staying in the open air.
“levitating” would be too hyperbolic a description, I take delight in dubbing
my folks “a lift-off people”.
A friend from
Taiwan often comments that Singaporeans lack a sense of attachment to their
homeland because they all live off the ground. I don’t think he is right. To me, moving around is simply natural for
an urban population and, by accident or by design, ours has evolved into a
city-state over history under the flying red-and-white flag of moon and
stars. Why create a land-linked
nostalgia out of nowhere and wax sentimental over it?
the ground floor of flat-blocks became the “void deck”, our lift-off
residents have increased rapidly, now accounting for maybe 90% of the
population, I guess.
those who live in lofty flats that seem to float mid-air in a dreamland, the
window view of myriads of brightly-lit homes under the night sky does make a
real spectacle.
注: 雨盖:可遮阳遮雨的有盖走廊。
| There
is nothing our lift-off folks should be wary of –– except osteoporosis, a bone weakness from lack of exercise.
(Tr. Allen Zhuang)
原載新加坡《聯合早報》(2000);後收入《不著地族 / A L O P》(潘正鐳著,Allen Zhuang 英譯;Singapore: All Publishing House, 2002);曾貼於譯者早前的網誌 坡港英華 / SingaKong Chinese & English (2008-11-23),今重貼於此。
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