創新是最大的贏家張忠謀 |
Innovation: the Top WinnerBy Morris Chang |
在1996年,要為“新經濟”作一個定義,那就是新經濟是以科技技術為動力的經濟。五年以後,新現象產生,新經濟的定義,也要改了。它還是以技術為動力,加上一句,應該創新與進取精神蓬勃發展。 |
IN year 1996, one would define “new economy” as an economy that is powered by technology. For five years since then, new things have happened, calling for a modified definition now. It is true that “new economy” is still driven by technology, but that is not all. A spirit of innovation and initiative is added to help fuel its thriving. |
因為五年前是科技技術。這五年當中,財富、股票、互聯網,並不只是技術,這是創新與進取精神。 |
Five years ago, technology was the dominant impetus. But since then an even stronger momentum has emerged with the aid of wealth, stock markets, and the Internet, which are more than technology per se. Indeed, they all stem from the spirit of innovation and initiative. |
所以新經濟是,技術為動力,創新與進取精神使得它蓬勃發展。新經濟不是科技經濟。 |
Therefore, while technology remains the main driving force for new economy, it is innovation plus initiative that has kept it thriving. New economy is not merely an economy of technology. |
社會價值觀的轉變,有幾個重大的改變,最大的贏家可能是創新。 |
The spirit of innovation may be the top winner in a race joined by the various changes in social values. |
雖然在美國科技界,常常聽到創新,可是科技界在美國只是局部的社會。這幾年當中,新經濟使得創新精神變成主流價值。 |
Talks about innovation have often been heard among technology professionals in the US, but they only form a slice of American society. It is in the past few years that new economy has made the spirit of innovation a mainstream virtue. |
創新失敗已經不是恥辱,不創新才是恥辱。因為新經濟的成功典範,都是不斷的創新。 |
Nowadays, it is no shame anymore to fail in striving for something new, but it is shameful to stay in a rut. Role models in new economy are those who never stop pushing for innovations. |
第二個價值觀的轉變,那是180度的轉變,由從眾到不從眾。 幾十年以前在美國,在企業界做事的就是穿灰色西裝,每個人看起來都一樣,那個時代,不從眾是標新立異,不為主流所接受。現在每個人都要有不一樣,我今天穿jeans(牛仔褲)上班,他今天穿有點像睡衣的樣子上班。 |
The second big change in social values has been the about-turn away from an old-time virtue, namely from conformity to nonconformity. Decades ago, Americans working in the business world wore grey suits, everyone looking the same. In those days, nonconformity was a sin that was booed in mainstream society. But now everybody tries to be a different self. Today I may wear jeans at work, while the guy beside me may wear a pyjama-like suit. |
第三點,對公司的忠誠,可說是蕩然無存;但是對職業的忠誠,反而增加。假如你在美國雞尾酒舞會,遇到一個陌生人,問他你做什麼事?以前的答案通常是:我在某某公司當什麼職務。現在問一個陌生人,答案不會是某某公司,他說他是 creative artist,很少說我在某某公司做事。 |
Third, loyalty to one’s company is gone and lost, but people are more devoted to their professions. There was a time when, at a cocktail party in the US, you asked a person about his job and he told you he was working with ABC Company in the position of XYZ. But today the answer would be different. Your new acquaintance would tell you he is, say, a creative artist. It is unlikely that he tells you he is with a certain company. |
第四點,儲蓄已經不是美德。這是幾年以前經濟學家講的。他所調查的致富之道,決不是儲蓄。在美國,最近幾年的新經濟,就是大家的收入都增加,可是儲蓄率反而減低了。 |
Fourth, saving is no more a virtue. In fact, years ago a certain economist conducted a survey and concluded that saving was far from being the road to richness. In new economy of recent years, Americans have been earning more but the saving ratio has fallen. |
第五點,經驗被貶值,繼續學習的能力被重視,經驗反而是個負擔。在新經濟中成功的人,都是沒有什麼經驗的,他們看到很多有經驗的人帶了很多包袱。 |
Fifth, work experience is devalued whereas the ability to keep on learning is treasured. In a sense, one’s experience has become a liability rather than an asset. In new economy, success stories are about the less experienced. They find that many of the well-experienced are burdened instead with their past. |
而且底薪為主的待遇,絕對不受歡迎。唯一可被接受的待遇,是跟公司股票有關,你的待遇主要是股票,而不是以底薪為主。 |
Moreover, remuneration chiefly in basic pay is not welcome at all. The only acceptable salaries are those linked with the company’s shares. The bulk of your salary package now is shares, not the basic pay. |
第六點,穩定的工作已經不被批准,快速活力的工作被追求。假如你去一個公司,它說你好好做,我們一生都照顧你,這也不受歡迎。 |
Sixth, secure jobs are no longer sought after, but those requiring energy and quick action are preferred. You will not choose a company just because it promises you lifelong care in return for your conscientious work on the job. |
但假如一個公司說,你好好做、努力的做,幾年當中,你可能變成百萬富翁、千萬富翁。這種當然有風險,但卻變成大家歡迎的。 |
Instead, you will prefer another company that offers you the opportunity to become a millionaire or billionaire within a few years provided you do your very best, despite the risks involved, of course. |
第七點,快速反應,而不是仔細考慮、深思熟慮的態度,是主流價值。十年前,我看的書大部分都建議,在公司不快樂、工作不再有挑戰,也許是因為人事不太融洽,至少應該想一年,才決定離開。這現在不是主流價值,這個太慢了。 |
Seventh, prompt reaction rather than thoughtful consideration is emphasised. Ten years ago, the books I consulted mostly advised me to pause and ponder for at least one year before deciding to quit my company if I felt unhappy with my colleagues or my job ceased to be challenging. That solution is no longer popular today –– one year’s wait is too long. |
第八點,人才的價值一直向上升,資本的價值一直向下跌。 財富的追求,我相信比舊經濟時代要厲害。有一個比較能彌補的因素,就是財富的捐出、對社會的回饋,無論是對慈善事業也好、對宗教也好、對教育事業也好,倒可能比過去要看得開。 |
Eighth, the value of talent has been rising while that of monetary capital has been falling. The pursuit of wealth, I believe, is now much more intense than in the era of old economy, but a redeeming tendency has emerged. Nowadays people are giving wealth back to society through donations to help charity, religion, or education, being more liberal with their money than before. (Tr. Allen Zhuang) |
【作者張忠謀是臺灣積電的創辦人、董事長;源文摘自臺灣《天下》雜誌。 |
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