Tuesday, 8 November 2022

翻譯要點 / Do’s and Don’ts in Translation




Dos and Don’ts in Translation

By Si Guo



First, in translation, one must not ignore discipline or criteria, adding or subtracting at will. Although felicitous translations are like salt dissolved in water with no trace of it to be seen, yet the salt is still there without addition or subtraction. Some translations read like “historical romance” with many episodes added that are absent in the original. Some translators delete as they please, as if they were editing. (Exceptions are puns, witticisms, etc. that are really untranslatable.)




Second, do translate not the words per se, but the meaning, the sentiment, the power and spirit, and where the author did put in special effort. Remember: the translator’s worst enemy are the English words.





Third, never stick to the belief that each English word carries only one meaning when put into Chinese, and so handle all changed texts in one unchanging manner. If, while translating an English word, you write down a Chinese one that you’re sure can give the right meaning, but looking at it in the context you find it not sounding quite right, then you may have misconstrued that English word, and should hurry and check it carefully in your dictionaries.

Tr. Allen Zhuang



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