Wednesday, 9 February 2022

一把米/A Handful of Rice





A Handful of Rice

By Jin Yu Tian




SCOOPING up a handful of rice in the palm, and dropping it into the shopping-bag: the action seems simple, yet it speaks volumes about human kindness.




Across a street from the kampung where I lived as a young boy, there stood a bungalow that housed a grocer’s, or “keat-ai” as they called it in Hokkien.  Ah Hock, the shop-assistant, was my good friend, so I would accompany him whenever he ran a delivery errand, riding on a bike.  This way I got a peep into big houses of the rich, which satisfied my curiosity.  Ah Hock would grab the sack of rice, lift it up onto his shoulder and carry it into the customer’s home.




The shop also sold rice by the pound.  Habitually, after weighing out the right amount, Ah Hock would scoop up an additional handful as a gift to the buyer.




Why? I wondered, and asked him one day.  He smiled, but gave no answer.




THE DAY before yesterday, in a grocer’s in Kim Moh housing estate, I was surprised to find rice still being sold in small quantities the old way. 




I saw a couple with two children come for some rice.  The elderly shopkeeper took up his scoop and filled a plastic bag.  When he had weighed out a kilogram and was going to tie up the bag, I saw once again the action, long faded out in my memory: adding a handful of rice.




Looking at the family of four, suddenly I realised why.

(Tr. Allen Zhuang)

原刊於新加坡《聯合早報》(2000);後收入《不著地族 / A Lift-Off People(潘正鐳著Allen Zhuang 英譯;Singapore: All Publishing House, 2002);曾貼於譯者早前的網誌 坡港英華 / SingaKong Chinese & English (20091022),今重貼於此。





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