Friday, 25 February 2022

節奏 / Rhythm of Language




Rhythm of Language

By Jin Yu Tian



TALKING of subtitles, I was taken for an opponent of translated drama.  Actually, I had meant to highlight the inherent limitations of drama in translation, a barrier insurmountable even for the best of translators, directors, or actors.




Li Moran, a celebrated actor in China, was about to retire when I was visiting the country. In the Guangzhou hotel, viewing a special TV programme with flashback clips from his acting career, I couldn’t help feeling sorry for him –– despite the wig, the Shakespearean hero remained unmistakably a Chinese.




Once I was watching a Japanese noh play in Tokyo with a group of fellow journalists, including Malay and Indonesian colleagues.  Our host had kindly granted us freedom to quit halfway, but the acting turned out to be so fascinating that everybody stayed enthralled throughout a good five hours of performance.

Could that have been possible, I wonder, had the play been presented without subtitles or rendered in a language other than the original?




With its peculiar rhythm, a language conveys the charm of its culture that enables drama, a face-to-face art form, to breed human affinity most effectively.  Yet the genre is so vulnerable that the affinity gets impaired once the rhythm of language turns faulty, which often happens in a translated play.



Literature in translation is a different case.  Reading creates a world for imagination the reader can visualise his own King Lear. The audience of a play, by contrast, have no choice but to accept the reality on the stage.  Hence the crucial power in the subtlety of rhythm.

Therefore, a Cantonese sitcom would sound flat and flavourless once dubbed into Mandarin, whereas an original Japanese or Tamil movie on TV could well appeal to our sense and sensibility through the rhythm of a language we don’t understand.  That rhythm carries something pleasant to the ear – and to the heart.


(Tr. Allen Zhuang)

原刊於新加坡《聯合早報》(2000);後收入《不著地族 / A Lift-Off People(潘正鐳著Allen Zhuang 英譯;Singapore: All Publishing House, 2002);曾貼於譯者早前的網誌 坡港英華 / SingaKong Chinese & English (2011-08-23),今重貼於此。



Friday, 18 February 2022

The Man and His Two Wives / 一夫兩妻


The Man and His Two Wives

Aesop’s Fables



THERE WAS once a time when a man was allowed more wives than one, and a middle-aged bachelor, who could be called neither young nor old, and whose hair was just beginning to turn gray, fell in love with two women at the same time and married them both.

One was young and lively and wanted her husband to look youthful; the other was somewhat more advanced in age and was concerned that her husband look about the same age as she did. So, the young wife seized every opportunity to pull out all her dear husband’s gray hairs, while the older one zealously plucked out every black hair she could find.

For a while the man was highly flattered by their attention and devotion until, one morning, he discovered that, thanks to his two wives, he did not have a hair left on his head.






Whoever allows his principles to be swayed by the influence and different needs of conflicting parties will end in having no principles at all.


[From Aesop’s Fables, Selected and Adapted by Jack Zipers, Penguin Books, 1996]




(Tr. Allen Zhuang )

本文曾貼於譯者早前的網誌 坡港英華 / SingaKong Chinese & English (2009-02-23),今重貼於此
